


1952年,王健教授应邀担任纽约圣约翰大学法学院教授,于1984年退休。王健教授在圣约翰大学不仅教授国际法,还执教美国法律基础课程,包括合同法和公司法等。此外,王健教授还是密歇根大学法学院的法学访问教授,并曾应美国前总统约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson)之邀,作为特别代表出席“国际法和国际合作”白宫会议。在从事法学教育和律师职业外,王健教授还多年担任美国仲裁协会的仲裁员。





Professor Kenneth Wang (Mr. Wang) was born in China in 1914. 1Ic (He)graduated from Soochow University Law School in 1938 and was admitted to the bar(became a lawyer) in China the same year. He began practicing law as a member of (worked at)one of the leading law firms in Shanghai from 1938 to 1945 .When the Second World War ended, he was appointed as a Justice(judge) of the Court of Appeals of Shanghai, and concurrently, one of five renowned judges of the Military Tribunal for trial of Japanese War criminals and Chinese war time collaborationists. During the period from 1941 to 1950, he served as a professor of law at three China's leading educational institutions-Soochow University, Aurora University and Kwang-Hua University. In 1947, he was awarded a fellowship by Harvard University Law School where he obtained a law degree .Then he returned to China where he continued his law practice and teaching at Soochow University Law School. In 1949, he became the president of Aurora College for Women. 

In 1952, Mr. Wang was invited to join the faculty at St. John's University Law School in New York where he taught till his retirement in 1984. At St. John's, Professor Wang taught not only international law, but also basic American law courses-contracts and corporations. Professor Wang also served as a visiting professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School, as well as a special delegate invited by former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson to the White House Conference on International Law and International Cooperation. In addition to his teaching and law practice, he served as an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association for many years. 

After his retirement from St. John's University Law School, Mr. Wang became the senior partner of the law firm which was named Wang & Wang, a law firm specializing in transnational legal matters, whose clients were in the U.S., China, Taiwan and other countries in Latin America and Asia.

Mr. Wang was honored by St. John's University, first with a President's Medal in 1984, then with an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in 1987, and finally the University's Medal of Honor in 1992.

Mr. Wang became a lawyer in China in 1938, then he became a lawyer in New York in 1958, and at last he became a lawyer in Taiwan in 1986.  In 2000, he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Law by Soochow University in Suzhou.

Mr. Wang died of illness in New York on December 14, 2007 before dawn, at the age of 93.